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  • Re: The cover for the second issue of the Union comic series:
    See it First!

    From Dionara2:
    My first thought was, "Han and Chewie's real reaction after receiving news of the impending nuptials." Notice that Luke and Mara aren't even on the cover -- perhaps TPTB have realized they're not an interesting enough couple to sustain an entire miniseries? We can only hope.

    "But nothing can shake the young Jedi Knight's resolve, not a solemn ceremony of Jedi accepting the Union, nor even a night of carousing and revelry deep within the city canyons of Coruscant.? Yeah, the sexual implications are all over the place, here -- think Yoda got him a stripper?

    From Kim:
    Well, all I can say is this:

    First of all, I'm amused the wedding seems to be taking place on Coruscant -- that means all the Jedi had to trek in from Yavin 4, which will lead to maximum grumpiness in my parody I'm writing!

    Also, well, you knew any bachelor party that featured Han prominently in it would end up in a brawl. I mean, come on! (Binary sunsets, anyone?)

    Actually, I found the blurb funnier than the picture.
    1: A dark hand is grasping at him and his new wife...It's Leia! Kill Mara Jade, Leia, you know you want to!
    2. "Nothing can shake the young Jedi Kinight's resolve" old is Luke now - 40? He sure as hell ain't young!
    3. "Solemn ceremony of Jedi"...after reading all that O/Q slash, all I can think of is, "obscure sexual jedi initiation ritual!"
    4. carousing and revelry? Maybe everyone wants to be totally drunk so they can get through the wedding...(and you know there just won't be enough food...)

    I still say the crazy Sith bitch will kill him in his bed...

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    Jades Fire gets blown to smithereens by a very lucky, yet clumsy, rookie X-Wing pilot
    Leia takes her out in a no holds barred wrestling style cage match.
    Ewoks capture her and make her into the main course at tonight's feast

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